Fun Mode

by exfret

A kitchen sink mod filled to the brim with changes to make life on nauvis more 'fun' (i.e.- full of pain).

5 months ago
6 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.5 (5 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
30 users

Credit to: Nancy B Drew for code/graphics from their invisifactorio mod! Also for some ideas for this mod, like the belt direction restrictions.

A follow-up to my other mods, "EasyCraft" and "masochism mode", this is meant to introduce you to all new levels of pain fun. I have assembled as many different ideas for a "new" Factorio experience that makes you cry in all the best ways! Here are some examples of the joyous changes you have to look forward to:

  • There's a 2% chance that any recipe just fails and doesn't give you anything.
  • Trains are invisible.
  • Belts can't face north.
  • Basically everything is half as effective (for example, yellow belts run at 7.5 items a second rather than 15).
  • Rockets appear out of nowhere aimed at your character every now and then.
  • Cliffs are extremely large now.
  • About a quarter of the map is turned into out of map tiles, with a pattern of 8x8's of out-of-map tiles in the top left corner of every chunk. There is a 0.1% chance that a chunk does not have the 8x8, forcing you to search for such a mystical chunk to put the rocket silo down.
  • In addition to the rockets being shot at you, other "challenges" can appear as well, like regenerating all the biter nests you destroyed, increasing the research multiplier, making some buildings you've made permanent, etc.
  • The character is slower and stuff.
  • There is some slight enemy changes, nests are harder to destroy and a small trickle of big biters starts at 30% evolution.
  • Item icons are randomized.

Download to see just how good life can't be!