Free Electronics

Made this cheaty mod for my py run. but works with any modpack really. Make Electronics free.

8 months ago

i [COMPLETED] Options to Remove "Free" Recipes

10 months ago

Thanks for the mod! It really helped me cause I love doing stupid circuit shit, but couldn't in PY cause I couldnt afford the Combinators.

1 Suggestion: Could you add options to the mod, to decide which recipes should be free and which shouldnt?
2 Reasons for this:
1st. Lamps are actually needed for some recipes so for me it feels cheating to have them for free.
2nd. I use the Wire Shortcuts mod, which adds Wires as Shortcuts and removes the normal recipes. Your Mod adds the wires back, which id like to prevent.

I'd love to hear from you! :D

8 months ago

thats not a bad idea
i will have to make an update
-lamps not free by default if is py (option to override)
-disable wires recipe if wire shortcut is loaded
-cyber syn include
-all other options on/off

8 months ago


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