
by Karutoh

This mod provides chat commands that players can use to create forces and also expands upon them.

3 years ago
3 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.6 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
474 users

This mod provides chat commands that players can use to create forces and also expands upon them. Please read the FAQs for more information on commands, a roadmap, and what features are currently present.

Command Legend

Example: /createforce Event Horizon, EH

  • <> - Required Parameter. Do not add these when executing a command.
  • [] - Optional Parameter. Do not add these when executing a command.
  • , - Parameter Separator.


  • createforce <Force Name>, <Tag> - Creates a force and makes the player executing this command owner.
  • disband - Disbands the current force if permission is given.
  • merge <Force Name> - Merges the current force with the targeted force if permission is given.
  • leave - Leaves the current force. If you are the only player in that force, it will automatically disband the force.
  • claim - Claims the current force the executing player is in to make them owner if there is none.
  • invite <Player Name> - Invites the targeted player to your current force if permission is given.
  • ceasefire <Force Name>, <Boolean> - Toggles a cease fire with the targeted force if permission is given.
  • friend <Force Name>, <Boolean> - Toggles friend with the targeted force if permission is given.
  • setspawn - Sets the forces spawn location if permission is given.
  • settag - Sets the forces tag if permission is given.
  • setwelcomemsg <Msg> - Sets the welcome message that is shown to players that join the force if permission is given.
  • setmotd <Msg> - Sets the message of the day that is shown to players when joining the game while in a force if permission is given.
  • forcekick <Player Name> - Kicks a player from the force if permission is given.
  • createrank <Rank Name> - Creates a new force rank if permission is given.
  • removerank <Rank Name> - Removes a force rank if permission is given.
  • setrank <Player Name>, <Rank Name> - Sets a player's force rank if permission is given.
  • setpermission <Rank Name>, <Permission>, <Value> - Sets a force rank's permission if permission is given.
  • setdefaultrank <Rank Name> - Sets the default rank that players are set to when joining the force if permission is given.

Force Rank Permissions

Example: /setpermission Member, canInvite, true

  • boolean canDisbandForce
  • boolean canMergeForce
  • boolean canSetDefaultRank
  • boolean canSetRank
  • boolean canEditHigherRanks
  • boolean canEditEqualRank
  • boolean canEditRanks
  • boolean canSetTag
  • boolean canInvite
  • boolean canKickHigherRanks
  • boolean canKickEqualRank
  • boolean canKick
  • boolean canBanHigherRanks
  • boolean canBanEqualRank
  • boolean canBan
  • boolean canSetSpawn
  • boolean canCeaseFire
  • boolean canFriend
  • boolean canSetWelcomeMsg
  • boolean canSetMOTD
  • boolean canAcceptRequests