Flow Network

Electric poles now have a throughput. You have to plan your electric network carefully, otherwise your laser turrets will not get enough energy.

8 years ago
8 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.2 (8 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
11 users

Electric poles now have a throughput. You have to plan your electric network carefully, otherwise your laser turrets will not get enough energy.

Each pole can only transport a fixed amount of energy:
Small electric pole: 3MW
Medium electric pole: 6MW
Large electric pole: 24MW
Substation: 24MW
Additionally each pole gets a small accumulator now. If this accumulator is charged the pole has a high voltage, otherwise it has a low voltage. Energy will always flow between pole with a high voltage and a low voltage.

If you click on a pole you see three values: Power , voltage and voltage drop.
Power shows the energy that flows throw the pole. A high power is not always a problem. An unused route for the electricity could be nearby or the electricity flows in a circle (This will only happen if you produce enough energy so that every pole has a big voltage. A bit of energy flowing in the wrong direction won't matter than).
Voltage shows the charge level of the pole. If it is below 50%, you might have an energy problem.
The voltage drop shows the biggest voltage difference between the pole and it's neighbours. A big voltage drop indicates that the pole is overloaded.

Poles are connected with red cables, you can remove and add new cables.
Accumulators have to be connected to a pole with a red cable, otherwise they will not charge.

All poles are now more expensive and need capacitors, but their supply area and wire distance got increased.

Using an existing save:
The electric network will upgrade if you plop a pole next to it. If the performance. I don't know if this is a good idea (see performance)

Each pole has it's own small electric network. Additionally there is a lot of Lua code that, although optimized, takes as much time to compute as the small electric networks. So with over 10000 wire connections the game might slow down.

What's next:
- A fast accumulator with capacitors
- Bigger power lines
- Transformers

- Shows maximum power of pole
- Added support for Big Wooden Poles (24MW)
- Destroying an accumulator won't crash the game
- Changed efficiency modules:
Efficiency 1: -30% Pollution
Efficiency 2: -40% Pollution, -20% Energy
Efficiency 3: -80% Pollution, -40% Energy
- Buffed accumulator capacity to 10MJ