Flow Control for Bob's Logistics

- Extends Flow Control to Bob's Logistics pipes - Compatible with Angel mods and AAI mods - Supports Artisanal Reskins

2 years ago

b Non-Return Valve recipe hidden [FIXED]

3 years ago

I've encountered a problem where the Non-Return Valve's recipe is being hidden. I think it has something to do with a mod conflict, but I can't figure out what mod(s) are causing this.
My full mod list:
- AAI Containers and Warehouses
- AAI Industry
- AAI Programmable Structures
- AAI Programmable Vehicles
- AAI Signal Transmission
- AAI Signals
- AAI Vehicles: Chaingunner
- AAI Vehicles: Flame Tank
- AAI Vehicles: Flame Tumbler
- AAI Vehicles: Hauler
- AAI Vehicles: Laser Tank
- AAI Vehicles: Miner
- AAI Vehicles: Warden
- AAI Zones
- Angel's Addons - C.A.B
- Angel's Addons - Mass Transit
- Angel's Addons - Storage Options
- Angel's Bioprocessing
- Angel's Exploration [BETA]
- Angel's Industries
- Angel's Petrochemical Processing
- Angel's Refining
- Angel's Smelting
- Angels warehouse extender
- Asphalt Paving [Roads]
- Bob & Angel RAWs patch
- Bob's Adjustable inserters mod
- Bob's Assembling machines mod
- Bob's Electronics mod
- Bob's Enemies mod
- Bob's Functions Library mod
- Bob's Logistics mod
- Bob's Metals, Chemicals and intermediates mod
- Bob's Mining mod
- Bob's Modules mod
- Bob's Ores mod
- Bob's Personal Equipment mod
- Bob's Power mod
- Bob's Revamp mod
- Bob's Technology mod
- Bob's Vehicle Equipment mod
- Bob's Warfare mod
- Bottleneck
- Cleaned Concrete
- Copy Paste Modules
- Crafting Combinator
- Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders
- Deadlock-Mod Integrations
- Factorio Library
- Factory Planner
- Flow Control
- Flow Control for Bob's Logistics
- Fluid Trains
- Helmod assistant for planning your base.
- Landfill Painting
- LTN - Logistics Train Network
- LTN Combinator Modernized
- LTN Content Reader
- LTN Manager
- MadClown01's AngelBob Nuclear
- MadClown01's Extended AngelBob Minerals
- MadClown01's Processing
- MadClown01's Science
- MadClown01's Science - No cobalt plates
- MadClown01's Vanilla Nuclear
- Miniloader
- Oil Hauler
- OSHA - Robot Recaller
- Pavement Drive Assist Continued
- Rate Calculator
- Recipe Book
- Rusty's Locale Utilities
- Safe Waterfill
- Void Chest +
- Vortik's Deep core Mining Drill

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Post a screenshot of the issue please and keep the cursor over the item (so i can see what mods are editing it)

3 years ago

Post a screenshot of the issue please and keep the cursor over the item (so i can see what mods are editing it)


Had to use helmod to see what mods are editing it cause the recipe is hidden as shown by the (H) in the Recipe Book page for it.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Alright, thanks mate, i'll have a look later on though i think it is probably not on my end

EDIT: Do bob non-return valve gets hidden/disabled if you load the game without my mod?

3 years ago

With your mod disabled, the non-return valves from the regular Flow Control and Angel's Petrochemical Processing mods are not hidden

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Yh, i disabled those for obvious reasons... I only kept the valves from bob plus one from FC, all valves do the same thing, why would you want to clog the crafting tab with 20 different valves doing the same thing?

The four valves in the screen (helmod side) are all you need, now, if any of those four is not craftable, then, that's an issue

EDIT: Also i did not remove the duplicate valves to keep the compatibility high, i would have otherwise removed them not just hidden

3 years ago

I did some further testing, and the Bob equivalent of the non-return valve is also gone, both with and without your mod. And when I say gone, both Helmod and Recipe book can't find it even with both "Show Hidden" and "Show Disabled" enabled.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Wait a minute the recipe exists in helmod (your screen) and is shown in the correct tab, and in the right order (just above piping) i'm really not gettin it

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Wait a minute the recipe exists in helmod (your screen) and is shown in the correct tab, and in the right order (just above piping) i'm really not gettin it

Assuming you mean the Non-Return valve from your mod, the reason it's showing up in helmod is because I had the option to show hidden recipes enabled.
This is what my inventory/crafting screen looks like: https://i.imgur.com/a78Jtb0.png
This is what that tab looks like in Helmod with "Show hidden" disabled: https://i.imgur.com/DZ5MYA1.png
In both of those shots the Non-Return Valve is missing.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

That is indeed bob's non-return valve, not mine, the only one i made is the last one one of the top up valves

3 years ago

That is indeed bob's non-return valve, not mine, the only one i made is the last one one of the top up valves

I am confused now. When I did all that testing, which included disabling all mods except for Bob's Logistics, Helmod, Recipe Book, and all their required dependencies, the Bob equivalent of the Non-Return valve is literally just called "Valve". https://i.imgur.com/BflP8Id.png

3 years ago

Yh, i renamed it to non-return

3 years ago

I think we should get back on topic. Are you able to fix this problem?

3 years ago

Shouldn't be hard

3 years ago

Quick testing update: I narrowed the offending mods that causes the Non-Return Valve recipe to be hidden down to Angel's Petrochemical Processing and AAI Industry. If only one of those mods is enabled, the Non-Return Valve's recipe is not hidden. If BOTH of those mods are enabled, the Non-Return Valve's recipe is hidden.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thanks for testing it mate, tomorrow i'll give the code some extra polish.
I'm now curious on what causes it, this is so weird

3 years ago

Also all duplicates are gone for good, no more confusion with pesky dopplegangers

New response