After updating to version 1.1.24 of the mod, when loading the game, it gives the following error:
failed to load the following mods: File not found: flow-control-expanded-bob/graphics/icon/reskin/brass-pipe-ro-ground.png
In mods for disabling, for some reason, offers AAI mods
AAI Vehicles: Warden comes first, but it doesn't help.
After that comes another mod for adding transport, but I don't remember which one.
And rechecking will take 30+ minutes due to the fact that I have a bob+angel+pymos
I now double-checked by disabling all mods except bob aai and reskin and the same error appeared, which is very strange. since aai does not affect the pipes in any way.
And yes, the second mod that offers to disable this aai-programmable-vehicles
It's very strange, but after disabling aai-programmable-vehicles the game started.