Flow Control for Bob's Logistics

- Extends Flow Control to Bob's Logistics pipes - Compatible with Angel mods and AAI mods - Supports Artisanal Reskins

2 years ago

b missing storage tank all corners [FIXED]

3 years ago

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497860215010754560/825802454813638716/unknown.png missing MK1 all corner tank
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/497860215010754560/825802564649615400/unknown.png missing in the tech tree

this or spidertrone extended mod is the las I updated that i think could cause issue(s)

3 years ago

Did fix my issue by disabling your mod. So I wonder if there's a glip somewhere

3 years ago

I'll have a look

3 years ago


3 years ago

Kira managed to recreate the issue as of my understanding. Tho with the fewest of mods possible too. Tho I'm clueless on how. I did look at the code. the think to me I couldn't see any thing causing the issue. Also unsure what I would be looking for. So I'm not to much help.

Anyway have any clue on anything a.t.m ?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


get me the whole screenshot please, that cut doesn't show me enough, how much is the storage amount?

from fluid handling i get both tanks

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


3 years ago

ok. If u say so was not home on your previous post.

million Thanks :D

3 years ago

FYI, it was the function removing old valves from the tech, apparently (though it was exactly stated what to remove), it didn't like the all-corners storage tank, i still have no idea on the cause, just replaced it with a function used by bob which seems to do the trick

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