If you can read and write lua, you can read and write assembly. By its very nature it is way more simplistic than a higher level language and thus its very easy to pick up, even without much in the way of learning material.
You should give it an honest try before suggesting they implement something far more complex. You might be surprised at what you are capable of.
Registers are roughly equivalent to variables, "functions" are kinda like labeled lines where you set some registers before jumping to the label to pass in variables to the "function", etc. From there, you just have simple ops like mov, add, sub, and so on that work on the "variables" in the registers to make things happen. Its honestly very simple.
Making large programs is hard in asm, thats why higher level languages were made. But with that came a lot more to learn, lots of language complexity, and so on that asm doesn't have. Given this is 1 tick per line executed and 256 lines max, you will only ever be writing tiny things with this. You wont be recreating Sandstorm or Doom or whatever with this.