Factorio Customizable Processing Unit. Allow to write any logic on low level machine code. The fCPU acts like a programmable microcontroller with a vector coprocessor that supports many useful instructions.

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Logistic network Circuit network

i Programmable trains

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Here's an idea for an interesting extension to this mod:

  • Have a recipe that combines a CPU with a train to create a programmable train
  • This creates a locomotive that has an interface very similar to a CPU, but with a few differences:
    • There is an extra array of train stops you can manually set, but programs cannot alter - i.e. it is ROM.
    • CPU input red and green wires come from the stop the train is stopped at, if that stop has that enabled (through the normal Factorio UI).
    • CPU output wires are sent to the circuit network connected to the stop the train is stopped at.
    • There are instructions for interacting with the train, such as:
      • Query the train's ID
      • Query composition of the train - i.e. wagon types and locations
      • Query contents of wagons and locomotives by index, this includes fuel in locomotives
      • Tell the train to navigate to a stop by its index in the stop array
      • Wait until the train reaches a stop and/or a rail signal
      • Check if the train is at a stop, and if so, get the index of that stop in the stop array if present (returns -1 otherwise)
    • There are also some other possible instructions that are not as essential:
      • Manual control mode:
        • Forward/backward control of the train
        • Set whether the train should take the left or right branch if it reaches a fork in the rails.
      • Set whether the train should ignore red signals.
      • Set maximum allowed speed.
      • Communication with other CPU locomotives in the train through indexed channels
      • Detection of signals, stops and other trains ahead/behind the train and at what distance.
      • Detect obstacles on the track (e.g. players, vehicles, biters)
      • Emergency stop
      • Coupling/decoupling of the train
4 years ago

If this was to be implemented, I'd vote to also create the equipment grid version, so that with mods like vehicle grid, every train can be programmed

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