Factory Planner - exportable to fake factorissimo

by Quezler

Tired of building out certain annoying recipe ratios? This mod easily lets you define custom recipes without actually cheating all from the comfort of an ingame gui.

5 months ago
Manufacturing Cheats

g Unexpected interaction with space factorissimo mod

7 months ago

When I use this mod and the space factorissimo mod simultaneously, the exported factory entity becomes three types of space factories, making it impossible to use and place on land

7 months ago

please send me a world with those mods over for easy testing

7 months ago

Okay, it will be uploaded soon

7 months ago

so yeah actually this is a feature, in my playthrough i had people on nauvis making stuff "from raw" from the bus which made scaling anything a real mess, and since this mod was designed around space exploration space science this combination of mods limits it to space only, this integration can be disabled by uncommenting this bit: https://github.com/Quezler/glutenfree/blob/main/mods/factoryplanner-is-exportable-to-fake-factorissimo/data.lua#L11

7 months ago

Okay, thank you for your answer.

New response