Factory Planner - exportable to fake factorissimo

by Quezler

Tired of building out certain annoying recipe ratios? This mod easily lets you define custom recipes without actually cheating all from the comfort of an ingame gui.

5 months ago
Manufacturing Cheats

g QOL Suggestion: Dedicated output slots

11 months ago

Thanks for your hard work on this mod, it's great!

I think a major QOL improvement would be having dedicated output slots for products that are created by the factory. Currently you have to wire up all input inserters as well as adding filter inserters for output if you're not using the precise quantity of inputs needed for a factory - otherwise all slots get filled up with input products before the factory can create output products.

Having separate slots for output products would at least eliminate the wiring step.

11 months ago

the reason behind this was that the player can only mine one thing at the time, and having a 2nd inventory could be problematic to auto-mine when there's not enough inventory space and i kinda wanted to avoid that.

granted the issue now exists because of the fluid ports, so maybe I'll add output slots somehow, it could be tricky.

as for circuits, imo not having to regulate the inputs would make it too easy, it's part of the logistic puzzle.

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