Factory Planner - exportable to fake factorissimo

by Quezler

Tired of building out certain annoying recipe ratios? This mod easily lets you define custom recipes without actually cheating all from the comfort of an ingame gui.

5 months ago
Manufacturing Cheats

g Recommend better title/description

1 year, 16 days ago

IMO it's not clear from the title or description what this mod does. Your reddit post does a much better job explaining. Food for thought :)

1 year, 16 days ago

the title can't really be changed, but open to thumbnail/description suggestions, coming up with them from a developer perspective is hard. 😅

1 year, 16 days ago

Maybe something like

Short description: Place a Factorissimo building that magically converts ingredients to products based on a Factory Planner production line

Long description: like above, but with maybe more elaboration on the steps the user takes

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