Factory Efficiency Tracker

by RedRafe

Track and visualize uptime/downtime ratio of assembling machines in real time with colorized overlays.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g [Pending] Fatal Crash with Nullius mod

8 months ago

The error is caused when i attempt to change the functionality of a building, a feature from Nullius

The error comes only if 1. i change building function mode while mod active or 2. I change building function mode once (doesnt matter if i change it back) and i activate the mod overlay at a later time

The mod Factory Efficiency Tracker (0.1.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event factory-efficiency-tracker::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/scripts/stats.lua:64: in function 'update_stats'
factory-efficiency-tracker/scripts/stats.lua:114: in function 'handler'
core/lualib/event_handler.lua:47: in function <core/lualib/event_handler.lua:45>

https://gofile.io/d/cNu1vD savefile


base 1.1.109
belt-visualizer 1.3.7
railloader 1.1.6
rusty-locale 1.0.16
VehicleSnap 1.18.5
aai-loaders 0.1.4
aai-signal-transmission 0.4.9
alien-biomes-hr-terrain 0.6.1
bobinserters 1.2.0
boblibrary 1.2.0
botReplacer 1.1.2
ch-concentrated-solar 0.3.3
crafting_combinator 0.16.3
DisplayPlates 1.5.1
factory-efficiency-tracker 0.1.2
FactorySearch 1.11.1
far-reach 1.1.3
FilterChests 1.1.1
flib 0.14.1
FNEI 0.4.2
FuelTrainStop 1.1.0
GCKI 1.1.14
holographic_signs 1.2.3
informatron 0.3.4
Inventory Sensor 1.10.7
jetpack 0.3.14
Mini_Trains 1.0.0
rec-blue-plus 1.3.15
RenaiTransportation 1.2.11
safefill 1.0.11
Shuttle_Train_Continued 1.1.0
SpidertronEnhancements 1.9.2
Squeak Through 1.8.2
stdlib 1.4.8
Teleporters 1.0.5
textplates 0.6.10
train-upgrader 1.0.5
UPSFriendlyNixieTubeDisplay 0.1.19
Warehousing 0.5.7
alien-biomes 0.6.8
AutoTrash 5.3.13
boblogistics 1.2.2
BottleneckLite 1.2.8
Early_Mini_Trains 1.0.0
FluidMustFlow 1.3.5
LogisticTrainNetwork 1.18.6
Milestones 1.3.25
PickerDollies 1.2.6
PipeVisualizer 2.2.1
railway-motor-car 0.4.5
RecipeBook 3.5.8
angelsrefining 0.12.7
Companion_Drones 1.0.25
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 1.2.3
factoryplanner 1.1.78
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 2.1.4
Transport_Drones 1.0.16
underground-pipe-pack 1.1.3
angelspetrochem 0.9.26
packing-tape 19.0.3
angelssmelting 0.6.23
nullius 1.9.1
boxing-button 0.1.2
SpidertronPatrols 2.4.10
stack-combinator 1.6.2
nullius-momenti-modpack 1.0.3
nullius-maximus-modpack 1.0.3

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