Ender Pearl

Adds an ender pearl you can throw to teleport, just like minecraft.

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Details?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Details? Screenshots? Crafting? Technologies and research? Balance? Demonstration GIFs, maybe videos?..

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

1 grenade, 3 uranium-238, 2 electronic circuit

research to unlock:
150 bottles of automation, logistic, chemical, and military. prerequisites: uranium processing and military 2.

The pearls have a 64 tile range. You take a little bit of fall damage when you land. If you throw somewhere the player can't be, like water, the ender pearl will break and you won't teleport.

My laptop can't really handle recording gifs or anything, but I'll see what I can do about making example screenshots or gifs

3 years ago

This is a really cool mod, I especially love that the stack size is 16! I recorded this quick demo which you are welcome to use (after cropping/editing/converting to gif as you like). You can download it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pEDtJhts6Xy3GErYF3FX5B4fI1n7mX6Y/view?usp=sharing. Please don't feel obliged to use it if you don't want to!

If you want to embed it into the description, you can see how I did that on mine here

3 years ago

Thank you! :D It's perfect. I've added it to the description

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