Cooked Fish

Allows raw fish to be cooked in a furnace

7 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

i βœ… -> cooking with fire

2 years ago

Hi, over at the fire place mod i got a request to merge with this great mod.
So to make things easy I added a cooking recipe category which is used by the camp-fire.
Would you like to make i_i happy and introduce the cooking recipe category to your mod as well?

2 years ago

Thank you, that is amazing! I've now updated this mod to use the "cooking" category :D

2 years ago

Nicely done.

But I think the crafting_categories updating part should be part of data-final-fixes.lua to update even modded furnaces.
And thinking about it, maybe you want to introduce a way to filter furnaces, so maybe not every furnace has to cook ;).

2 years ago

Oh hmm.. that's a great point. I'll move it over to final-fixes to capture other modded furnaces :)

I'll have to do some exploring to see about adding a filter, I'm not sure how to do that yet

2 years ago

A simple trick would be to check for a flag on the furnace prototype.
If it's set and true, don't add cooking to the furnace.

That trick at least allows other mods to turn off cooking for their entities.

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