Factories in Tight Spaces

Start on a small island that can only be expanded by research. Infinite ore patches can be placed by hand and removed by the OreEraser tool.

7 months ago

b Can't start

1 year, 3 months ago

Error while running event factories-in-tight-spaces::on_init()
No such function: freeplay.set_disable_crashsite
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'call'
factories-in-tight-spaces/control.lua:7: in function <factories-in-tight-spaces/control.lua:4>

Voici l'erreur au lancement du scénario, il serait possible de renommé le scénario par son vrai nom et ajouter une image et description ?

1 year, 3 months ago

Hi Vizard,

I can't reproduce the error. When I switch my language to French and start 'freeplay' or other scenarios the game starts normally.
If you post what mods you're using and what scenario you are playing I can test again.

New response