Factories in Tight Spaces

Start on a small island that can only be expanded by research. Infinite ore patches can be placed by hand and removed by the OreEraser tool.

7 months ago

i Support for non-free play scenarios

1 year, 8 months ago

Hello! It seems currently this mod assumes the freeplay scenario. Any thoughts about making it work with any scenario, not just freeplay? For example, Brave New World mod has its own scenario.

1 year, 8 months ago

Hi Pixelcort,
I fixed the crash that would occur when you play non-freeplay scenarios.

The bad news is I don't think Brave New World will be playable with this mod.

The way the place-able ore patches work is there's an item that when placed creates a resource entity, and because it's a resource it can't be ghost-placed or blueprinted, and using the pipette tool on it copies mining drills instead of the ore patch.
I also tried using external tools to edit a blueprint together (see below) but importing it causes Factorio to reject the blueprint and say that it attempted to create an invalid entity type.

I did use console commands to force-research the landfill sciences and it dumped the correct amount of landfill items on the ground, not the best if it'd spill onto belts and such, but not a deal-breaker.
If someone could figure out how to get bots to place the ore patches then Brave New World would be compatible.

Invalid infinite-iron-ore blueprint:

1 year, 8 months ago

Oh cool, thanks! Ah I see, placeable ore won't work. But in that case myself or others could use other mods like OreCrafter as an alternative.

In any case, thank you for adding support for non-freeplay!

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