Factories in Tight Spaces

Start on a small island that can only be expanded by research. Infinite ore patches can be placed by hand and removed by the OreEraser tool.

1 year, 5 months ago

g Rare metals?

2 years ago

I'd like to be able to make Mk2 mining drills but I'm unable to, because I have no access to rare metals, could there be infinite patches of rare metals?

2 years ago

Hi Draco,
What mods are you running where you don't see rare minerals?

I checked with Krastorio2 on and I see rare-mineral patches in the IslandManagement crafting tab just after infinite imersite.

2 years ago

Hi, thank you for the reply, I appreciate it very much.
I'm basically running the mod with all optional dependencies, except angelsrefining, plus factorissimo2 and 3 quality of life mods.
And in the IslandManagement crafting tab there is nothing after lead, basically I have access to all base game ores, gold, lithium and lead.

2 years ago

Okay, I can see what's happening now:
This mod is designed to be compatible with one of (krastorio2), (bobsores + angelsrefining), or (DarkStarUtilities) but it isn't currently built to mix those groups together.

I'll take a look after work today and see if there's a better way to handle these combinations.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Oh, gotcha, I'm new to modded factorio, so I thought that it would be better with all combined.

Edit: I've just tried with only krastorio2 and now I have access to krastorio's ores.

2 years ago

Hey Draco, I updated the mod to support most* combinations of mods that are individually supported if you'd like to add more.

If you're new to modded Factorio I'd encourage you to try out this mod with just Krastorio2 and the OreEraser along with your other mods.
It should play out pretty differently from the base game without forcing the huge numbers of new items and tech from Angel/Bob's.

  • Some mods like Angel's Refining also remove base/modded ores from the game and require special handling, so they only work as part of their group of mods.
2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

could you add nullius support? the main issue I can see with your current implementation is that it can't handle ores being removed.

I had modified your mod locally, to just add the 5 core resources in the early game: iron-ore, nullius-bauxite, nullius-limestone, nullius-sandstone, nullius-geothermal

other things that would need to be done include disabling the additional landfill recipes, adding a research to re-enable the recipes for prospecting.

2 years ago

Hey jshield, I'll take a look at nullius support, working on the combination support gave me some ideas how to dynamically remove ores as long as the mods would work together in a normal Factorio game.

Also thanks for the notes on what modifications you had to make, that should speed things up.

2 years ago

Hi JShield, I think I have Nullius working now. If you see any issues please open a Nullius thread for the issues and I'll take a look.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


New response