For the rest, the recipes are all sorts of screwy and I plan to do a proper ingredients pass once the quarter is over and I have more time to do a thorough analysis. I'd appreciate your thoughts, however, on what should cost what.
it seems like ceramic filtration restricted in MK1, and MK3 copy his recipe
maybe they should copy MK2 recipe?
for biter mk2 - wolfram and mk3 step up? green circuit + blue alien alloy(they use wolfram and alien artifact) or just downgrade mk1 material to aluminium(mk1 aluminium, mk2 titan, mk3 wolfram)
fish tank, puffer and biter refeguim,butchery, hatchery, farm,seed extractor,composter, press,nutrien, bioprocessor, algae farm, seed generator,arboreum(probably something else)
have only 2 slot for module
for me MK X = X slot for module seems more resoneble
but it is not for this topic