Extended Angels

Adds recipes and extra tiers of buildings to Angel's Refining, Petrochemical Processing, and Bioprocessing mods.

5 months ago
0.16 - 1.1


Version: 0.5.11
Date: 2024-08-31
    - Updated Ukranian, German and French localizations
Version: 0.5.10
Date: 2023-12-23
    - Renamed Sodium Processing 2 to Sodium Processing 3 as Angel's has added a Sodium Processing 2 tech
    - Tidied up prerequisites and required science packs
    - The following buildings now take Tungsten carbide plate instead of Copper tungsten plate to match the other T6 Angel's buildings:
      - Advanced gas refinery 4
      - Biter refugium 3
      - Leaching plant 4
      - Ore refinery 3
    - Adjusted the ingredient tiers for the folllowing structures to eliminate a tier gap:
      - Algae farm 5
      - Hydro plant 4
    - All T5 and T6 buildings should now use Titanium concrete bricks
    - Set minimum required building tiers for Copper Tungsten and Tungsten Carbide recipes
Version: 0.5.9
Date: 2023-04-06
    - Fixed that in expensive recipe mode, Washing plant 2 was an ingredient in Washing plant 4
    - Fixed that the upgrade planner would downgrade Salination plant 3, Advanced chemical plant 3, Air filter 4, Washing plant 4, and Hydro plant 4 to a previous tier
    - Added localization for Japanese
Version: 0.5.8
Date: 2023-01-01
    - Adjusted the ingredients tiers for the following structures to align with changes to Angel's Bioprocessing in version 0.7.23
      - Oil press 2/3 ingredients increased from tiers 2/3 to tiers 3/4
      - Butchery 2/3 ingredients increased from tiers 2/3 to tiers 3/4
      - Basic farm 2/3 ingredients increased from tiers 1/2 to tiers 2/3
      - Desert, Swamp, and Temperate farm 2/3 ingredients increased from tiers 3/4 to tiers 4/5
      - Hatchery 2/3 ingredients increased from tiers 2/3 to tiers 4/5
      - Nutrient extractor 2/3 ingredients increased from tiers 2/3 to tiers 3/4
      - Fish tank 2/3 ingredients increased from tiers 2/3 to tiers 3/4
    - Moved Seed extractor 2 and 3 unlocks into technologies Garden Processing 2 and 3 respectively
    - Moved Desert, Swamp, and Temperate farm 2 unlocks into their respective Farming 2 technologies
    - Removed technology "Advanced farm upgrades 2", and moved Desert, Swamp and Temperate farm 3 unlocks into "Advanced farm upgrades"
    - Minimum version of Angel's Bioprocessing has been incremented to version 0.7.23
    - Removed Air filter 3, Crystallizer 3 and Filtration Unit 3 as added by this mod; buildings are now native to Angel's Petrochem and Angel's Refining
    - Minimum version of Angel's Smelting has been incremented to version 0.6.20
    - Added partial localization for Korean
Version: 0.5.7
Date: 2022-04-03
    - Updated localization for Ukrainian
Version: 0.5.6
Date: 2022-03-30
    - Updated localization for Ukrainian
Version: 0.5.5
Date: 2022-03-19
    - Added partial localization for Ukrainian
    - Updated localization for French
Version: 0.5.4
Date: 2022-01-04
    - Fixed that several technology icons were not sized correctly when playing with the latest versions of Angel's mods
Version: 0.5.3
Date: 2021-12-19
    - Minimum versions of Angel's Bioprocessing and Angel's Smelting have been incremented to the latest versions
    - Fixed startup errors related to changed icon definitions for several buildings to account for graphics changes in Angel's Refinings 0.12.1
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 2021-10-16
    - Fixed that tint assignment for Angel's Refining structures did not validate the existence of the field being called leading to a startup error when Artisanal Reskins: Angel's mods is enabled
    - Updated Russian localization
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 2021-09-14
    - Changed icon for Oil refinery 3 to align with changes in Angel's Refining
    - Fixed that Flotation cell 4 was spelled incorrectly
    - Added partial localization for Brazilian Portuguese
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 2021-08-13
    - Recipes have been reworked to be in-line with current Angel's recipes, and make use of higher tier materials where appropriate
    - Technologies have had their time requirements updated to be more in-line with current Angel's technologies (15s -> 30s)
    - Angel's Bioprocessing minimum required version now 0.7.20
    - Angel's Bioprocessing 0.7.20 adds an Algae farm 4; as such the Algae farm 4 added by this mod has been changed to the Algae farm 5
      - No migration of existing algae farm 4s will be attempted to avoid collisions with Angel's Bioprocessing
    - Updated the API call to Angel's Industries for `add_minable_results`, fixing a startup error
    - Added localization for Russian
Version: 0.4.8
Date: 2021-06-13
    - Angel's Smelting minimum version set to 0.6.15
    - Angel's Bioprocessing minimum version set to 0.7.18
    - Removed now-redundant code bits related to supporting older versions of Angel's Smelting and Angel's Bioprocessing
    - Renamed Press 2 and Press 3 to Oil press 2 and Oil press 3 reflecting changes in Angel's Bioprocessing
    - Updated German localization
Version: 0.4.7
Date: 2021-05-28
    - Fixed that Filtration unit 3 was missing a crafting category available in Filtration unit 2
Version: 0.4.6
Date: 2021-05-28
    - Fixed inconsistent sorting of Warehouses in interface
    - Fixed overwrite clash in Puffer refugium 3 technology with Angel's Bioprocessing
    - Added localization for German, partial localization for Vietnamese
Version: 0.4.5
Date: 2021-04-04
    - Doubled the Tungsten carbide powder mixture output from 12 to 24 units, of the second tier of tungsten carbide powder mixture recipe, and increased the processing time from 8 to 16 seconds to bring it into line with the first and third tier recipes; also added tier numerals
    - Adjusted item and recipe sorting to correct a few issues with tungsten carbide, copper tungsten and a few miscellaneous items
    - Added an input fluid port on induction furnaces, and moved the recipes for molten copper-tungsten from the chemical furnace to the induction furnace
    - Added high-res versions of copper tungsten and tungsten carbide items, recipes, and technologies, active when using the upcoming release of Angel's mods
    - Fixed that the recipe for zinc powder did not have ingredients; it is now properly crafted from 1 zinc ingot
Version: 0.4.4
Date: 2021-03-26
    - Fixed that structures were not returning the correct item when deconstructed
    - Fixed several typos
Version: 0.4.3
Date: 2021-03-23
    - Added the setting "Legacy inventory sizes" to enable legacy inventory slot counts for warehouses
    - Now dependent on Factorio Library
    - Adjusted the check for Angel's component mode to use the Angel's component mode trigger
    - Adjusted the warehouse inventory size defaults for performance reasons; new defaults correspond to a 15%, 30%, and 45% increase for each tier over the defaults from Angel's Addons - Storage Options, down from 147%, 340%, 532%, and 725%
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 2021-03-21
    - Fixed startup error when no Angel's Addons mods are present.
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 2021-03-21
    - Fixed startup errors related to disabling warehouses while using Angel's Addons - Storage Options
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 2021-03-20
    - Added setting "Adjust icon ordering" to improve sort order of buildings in Angel's Petrochemical Processing and Angel's Bioprocessing mods, default on
    - Substantial code cleanup and rework of entity creation
    - Updated how Angel numerals are handled; supports upcoming numeral rework in Angel's mods
    - Technology `bio-pressing-2` now handles upcoming changes in Angel's Bioprocessing
    - Locale updates to conform to upcoming locale changes in Angel's mods
    - Adjusted pollution for several refining, petrochemical and bioprocessing buildings added by this mod to be in-line with Angel's pollution values
    - Addjusted energy usage for several refining, petrochemical buildings to correct some inconsistencies with scaling
    - Adjusted module slot count for bioprocessing buildings added by this mod to 2 (inherited) to be in line with changes to Angel's Bioprocessing regarding modules
    - Corrected tier color progression for refining structures
    - Removed version numbers from dependency
Version: 0.3.13
Date: 2021-03-20
    - Patched for factorio 1.1
    - Updated to work with Angels Storage Options instead of the deprecated Warehouse mod
    - Removed conditional requires
Version: 0.3.12
Date: 2020-06-07
    - Changed Hatchery to have 3 output slots to match angels changes
Version: 0.3.11
Date: 2020-06-07
    - Fixed crash when loading without Madclowns processing loaded
Version: 0.3.10
Date: 2020-05-31
    - Fixed error on loading save game without Angel's Bioprocessing
    - Fixed error with tech name change in bio proessiong 0.7.9
Version: 0.3.9
Date: 2020-05-10
    - Fixed crafting speed on bio buildings being wrong
Version: 0.3.8
Date: 2020-05-09
    - Fixed locale for Tungsten Hexachloride Gas
    - Added stone brick to Titanium Concrete Brick
    - Fixed Crafting speed on Fish & Biter Refugium
    - Fixed missing mk icons on arboretum and seed generators
    - Added Seed Extractor MK2 & MK3
Version: 0.3.7
Date: 2020-04-26
    - Fixed Icon Ordering issues with Angels Bio Buildings
    - Added Hatchery MK2 & MK3
    - Added Nutrient Extractor MK2 & MK3
    - Added Biter and Puffer Refugiume MK2 & MK3
    - Added Mk Icons to Warehouses
Version: 0.3.6
Date: 2020-04-26
    - Fixed buildings not generation pollution
    - Added Press MK2 & MK3
    - Added Bio Processor MK2 & MK3
    - Added Butchery MK2 & MK3
    - Added Composter MK2 & MK3
    - Added Crop, Desert, Swamp & Temperate Farms MK2 & MK3
Version: 0.3.5
Date: 2020-04-20
    - Fixed Titanium Brick not working
Version: 0.3.4
Date: 2020-04-19
    - Removed logging for Angels Components support
    - Fixed missing Bob's Logistics pack missing from Logistics warehoue 3 & 4
    - Added tress to Mk2 & Mk3 Seed Generators
Version: 0.3.3
Date: 2020-04-05
    - The ingredient return on mining was being called no matter the setting thanks to Pezzawinkle
    - Fixed dependecny checking for angels warehouse to work if no angels addon mods are loaded
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 2020-04-04
    - Fixed bounding box issues with Warehouse forget to do this
Version: 0.3.1
Date: 2020-04-04
    - Added Support for Angels Componets in Angels Industiries tanks to Pezzawinkle
    - Fixed icons issues from lastest angel's update thanks to Pezzawinkle
    - Fixed Angel's Liquifying recipes not showing up in Adv Chem Plant Mk3
    - Fixed Warehouse icorn sorting when Angel's Industries present thanks to triktor
    - Fixed Buffer Mk2-4 appearing before requester when it should be after
    - Fixed fast replace on some warehouses being container instead of angels-warhouses
    - Removed Alage Farm Mk3 as Angels has added it
    - Fixed squeakthrough not working on buildings
    - Alage Farm mk4 now haves the number 4 icon on it instead of 3
    - Added upgrade planner support for all buildings
Version: 0.3.0
Date: N/A
    - Update to 0.18
    - Fixed overwrting Madclown's Processing Water Treament 5 Tech
Version: 0.2.3
Date: N/A
    - Fixed Aboretum missing from tech tree since Bio-Processing 0.6.2 changed the tech name
Version: 0.2.2
Date: N/A
    - Removed Hydro Plank Mk3 as angels added it
    - Added Aboretum & Seed Generators Mk2 & Mk3
Version: 0.2.1
Date: N/A
    - Fixed floatation Cell mk4 requring itself to make in expensive mode
Version: 0.2.0
Date: N/A
    - Updated to 0.17
    - Added Buffer Warehouse Mk2-4
Version: 0.1.6
Date: N/A
    - Fixed warehouse icons being the same in the quickbar
Version: 0.1.5
Date: N/A
    - Fixed some more optinal depenecy issues
Version: 0.1.4
Date: N/A
    - Updated some building recipes to use Titanium Reinforced Brick
    - Fixed a typo
    - Fixed some issues with adding the mod to an exisiting playthoourgh with recipes not being updated
    - Reblanced Tungsten Smelting 3
    - Adjusted Tungsten Powder to use 1 solid and 2 fluids instead of 3 fluids as the chemical furnace has only 2 fluid inputs
    - Fixed angels warehouse optinal dependecy not working
Version: 0.1.3
Date: N/A
    - Changed Tungsten Hexachloride to use Tungsten Trioxide
Version: 0.1.2
Date: N/A
    - Made it so if you set the icon scaling for Angel's Warehouse in the Mod Settings it works on mk2-mk4 warehouses
Version: 0.1.1
Date: N/A
    - Fixed incorrect recipe with Hydro Plant MK4
Version: 0.1.0
Date: N/A
    - Initial Release
    - Includes Copper Tungsten and Tungsten Carbide smelting using Angels Smelting
    - Redone Tungsten Smelting 3
    - Adds Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate to Tungsten Smelting 3 if MadClown01's processing is present
    - Added Titanium Reinforced Brick
    - Added Advanced Chemical Plant MK3
    - Added Adv Gas Refineray MK4
    - Added Agle Farm Mk3 & MK4
    - Added Hydro Plant MK2 & MK3
    - Added Salation Plant MK3
    - Added Ore Washing Plant MK3 & MK4
    - Added Ore Crusher MK4, Floation Cell MK4, Leaching Plant MK4 & Ore Refineray MK3
    - Added Crystallizer and Filitration Unit MK3
    - Ported the Warehouse Addon Mod and added MK2-MK4 normal warhouses and tech changes