Extended Angels

Adds recipes and extra tiers of buildings to Angel's Refining, Petrochemical Processing, and Bioprocessing mods.

4 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Problem with titanium concrete brick

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

For some reason, your last update broke something related with this recipe. It requires molten concrete and titanium plates, but the plates it require are the ones from angels smelting, and only from angels smelting, but when using bobplates, titanium plates are affeted bu that mod, so its not technically the same item.

Its actually funny, since it tells you "You cannot put Titanium Plate here, only Titanium Plate" lol

4 years ago

fixed i moved some around from data to data-updates caused this issue

4 years ago

Perfect, thanks

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