Everything Spoilage

by Magi3r

The Ultimate Gleba-Experience for Every Planet! Adds spoiling to almost every item. Very customizable. With 3 modes: Normal A balanced experience with the addition of spoilage to most items and many ways to get rid of it Peak Gleba: All will become spoilage Random Absolute Chaos! All items spoil into random things.

3 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

g Funny

4 months ago


4 months ago

Thanks for your interest in this mod! Judging by your username, i bet you already beat the game with it?

4 months ago

Thanks for your interest in this mod! Judging by your username, i bet you already beat the game with it?

No, i've not even tried it. But i might sometime just for fun. I'm not very good at the game :P.

3 months ago

I hate you so much and I cannot wait to try your mod this weekend ❣️

3 months ago

Someone actually wants to play this mod? I am kinda impressed. Be sure to check the settings first and adjust the mod to fit your taste!

And feel free to drop a comment if you have any suggestions or encounter any bugs. :D

3 months ago

I played the mod on normal and with explosions disabled. I find the spoiler time a little short, especially for the plates. As the rotting is carried over to the following recipes it ends up being difficult to have something that lasts with longer recipes (i'm casual player who playes slowly). Otherwise we would need a way to recycle when we are at the start of the game as we do not have access to sulfuric acid. I installed the Roc's rusting iron mod which allows you to recycle plates with stone but it is ignored with your mod.

3 months ago

Thanks for your feedback! Roc's mod has 90 minutes for the items instead of 30 minutes for this mod. Yeah, I guess a higher time for the plates would be more enjoyable. I can look into making the mods compatible as well and/or adding a crafting recipe without sulfuric acid. Originally the recycling of rusted plates was supposed to just work by smelting in a furnace, but they do not support multiple possible outputs for the same input.

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