Even Distribution

Modifies CTRL + Click Drag to evenly distribute the items over multiple buildings. Also adds Inventory Cleanup hotkey (SHIFT+C) which evenly distributes unneeded items from inventory into nearby machines.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b item tags and durabilty

3 years ago

Hi man - I noticed that even Distribution ignores tags (and durability) of items.
I tried to insert some of my tagged linkers in beacons but even Distribution doesnt seem to carry tags along.

Same Spiel for items with durabilty - damaged repairkits distributed will result in undamaged ones.

3 years ago

I know but this is not an easy fix. Most of the api functions just ignore tags and durability. Maybe when I find a good solution that doesn't require.a rewrite of the whole codebase

3 years ago

I know but this is not an easy fix. Most of the api functions just ignore tags and durability. Maybe when I find a good solution that doesn't require.a rewrite of the whole codebase

ty - but it isnt that important tbh only a couple of mods use that feature, so take your time :D

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