Eradicator's Visible Stockpile

Adds a stockpile with visible content akin to management games like Banished, Settlers, etc. (Languages: English, Deutsch, 日本語)

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i A bit more density and option to always sort

4 years ago

It would be nice if there could be "rotations" of all versions that are also sorted, currently the logistic versions are only unsorted available.

Also if possible it'd be great if the storage density could be raised a little.
I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if the 5x5 had the space of 6x6 for example.

PS: The storage variant doesn't have a filter option in it, not sure if that's intended, an oversight or a limitation. Just wanted to mention it.

<3 this mod already :D

4 years ago

The logistic versions are unsorted on purpose for two reasons. a) Logistic systems are inheritely chaotic both in factorio and in real world (i.e. amazon warehouses). So to make them look sorted i'd have to actually sort the chest content, which would cost way too much performance. And b) due to the rotation mechanic it's nessecary to have as few variants as possible to not make it annoying to use.

Storage density is about one stack per tile. If the icons are too close too each other the whole thing becomes difficult to look at.

Stockpiles are internally fancy looking chests and the engine doesn't support filters for them. And they oficially never will, so can't do anything about that.

I hope you like the mod anyway ;).

4 years ago

TL;DR: I consider the mod finished in it's current state. So bugfixes: yes, new features: highly unlikely.

4 years ago

Ok, the logistic storage argument is valid. Can I at least request a setting so they are properly put into their grid places instead of fully random all over the place? It really rubs my ocd wrong >.<

4 years ago

I'm sorry, but i don't really have the time to do proper testing on a full release currently. Also to be quite honest that "wrong rubbing" is half on purpose. The other half is that it's not that easy to have an option for it as it affects all players and would need to do a heap of work every time the option is toggled. What kind of setup are you running that it makes such a big difference?

But! It is quite easy to make the change for your private use. Just change control.lua lines 104/105 "chaotic =" to "false", and jiggle to zero (see line 103). By default it'll only affect new stockpiles but i think you can type "er-stockpile:reset" (no quotes, no slash, must be admin) into the chat to make it work for the old ones too. As always: save before making any changes.

4 years ago

That's something I can work with, thanks :D

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