Eradicator's Stationary Fusion Reactors

Allows building equipment generators into the world. (Languages: All languages)

3 years ago


Is this mod UPS friendly?

  • Yes. There is no scripting involved. So it's a bit more efficient than a normal non-solar power plant because it doesn't have to handle items or fluids. According to the "show-entity-time-usage" debug option 11.000 vanilla fusion reactors - producing 10GW of electricity - cost about 0.5ms on an old 2Ghz system.

When I build a generator into the world it looks strange! (I am a player.)

  • Please contact the mod author.

When I build a generator into the world it looks strange! (I am a mod author.)

  • You can freely edit the SFR entity prototype after data-updates, but hopefully it's enough to do some simple adjustments with a small patch file during data.lua stage. Please have a look at /equipment-patches/base.lua for details.