Eradicator's Hand Crank Generator Deluxe

You have salvaged a manual emergency generator from your spacecraft. Perfect timing to get cranky! (Languages: English, Deutsch, 日本語) (Contains extensive code comments for aspiring modders.)

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Feature request: crank animation should reverse when discharging

4 years ago

Just a small decorative tweak: When you press R to charge up the electrical buffer, the handcrank should spin opposite than when it is discharging. Bonus points if you can get the spin to slow as it approaches zero.

7 months ago

I did modify the mod on my own to allow such a thing... but sadly the discharge animation overtakes the charging animation. I haven't looked deep enough into it though. Also, playing an animation in reverse is not as easy as one might think. Since Factorio hates negative numbers for animations, just making the animation fast enough is a good substitute, as long as you don't add further frames to it. :p

Maybe I look into it and decide to ACTUALLY officially create a fork of the mod.

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