Real Shuttle Trains

by Ziro2k

Adds shuttle trains- tiny locomotives that move very quickly but cannot be attached to cargo or fluid wagons. As such, they are intended to be used for personal transit rather than the transportation of resources. Both burner and electric versions are available, each with their own set of benefits.

2 years ago

i Dedicated Cars

2 years ago

Because the cars are so small, could you make dedicated cars that can be linked to only the shuttles to carry more people? like a tram or metro. Preferably shorter than the shuttle itself (like only 1-2 units long) to maximize capacity?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Interesting idea. In the meantime, I added a mod setting that will allow you to attach multiple shuttles together in order to transport additional players on the same shuttle train. I'm not sure how many people you're trying to transport, but you can link up to 5 shuttles together now.

2 years ago

I'm thinking about 6-10 people in the length of a cargo wagon (6 units long)

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