Electric Grid

by 0n0w1c

An overhaul of the electric network, engineer an Electric Grid! The overhaul is optional.

6 days ago

b (Resolved) Game Crash with Transformator

a month ago

Play new sandbox game with yes to all beginning questions and no mods except this one. everything is set to default. I can place down everything fine. but when i click Transformator, when i click on the spot between the low and high voltage spot just above where you click to open the menu for the select filter spot. This error code jumps up at me and causes the game to crash. The location is near the red boxes on top of the transformer. Not sure what is actual causing it.

The mod Electric Grid (1.8.4) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event electric-grid::transformator-rating-selection (ID 216)
Unknown style flib_titlebar_drag_handle
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
electric-grid/control_helpers.lua:693: in function 'get_or_create_transformator_frame'
electric-grid/control.lua:258: in function <electric-grid/control.lua:249>

a month ago

Thank you for the report, I am looking into it now.

a month ago

Version 1.8.5 has been uploaded, it should resolve this issue.

a month ago

Thank you. Yes it is fixed, Thank you for the quick response and editing of the mod.

a month ago

Thank you again for the report and details you included, greatly helpful.

New response