Electric Grid

by 0n0w1c

An overhaul of the electric network, engineer an Electric Grid! The overhaul is optional.

6 days ago

b (Resolved) Step up/step down transformers

a month ago
(updated a month ago)


Managed to solve my problem, but for clarity could the text on the transformators be changed to input and output rather than high and low voltage? I was trying to create a step-up transformer which technically would go from low to high but the transformer wouldn’t let any power transfer in this configuration.


a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Ah, I think there is a confusion and I should clarify it... somehow.

The transformator's high voltage pole connects to the power collecting poles and the low voltage pole then connections to the huge poles.

Power always flows through a transformator from the high voltage pole to the low voltage pole. A power source is always the "highest voltage".
This is true, even if the power source you are connecting produces less power than what already exists on the high voltage electric network.

The old transformators mod referred to the poles as source and target, maybe that is better. hmm.

a month ago

I have added information to the FAQ, thank you for bringing this to my attention.

a month ago

Cheers! It was clearly a much smaller issue than I had initially thought, but a bit more clarity would be of use.

Input/output, primary/secondary, source/target could all be suitable names. IRL voltage is stepped up after leaving a power station for efficient transmission, which is where the high and low voltage labels fall over.

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