Adjustable pole lengths can be done for sure, and it may be a good suggestion. however, quality could an issue, I need to investigate. For instance, if you set the huge pole to wire length x and you acquire say a rare version of the pole, which pole is superior? Does quality scale a modified pole?
Exposing information via the circuit network is on the todo-list, I expect it can be done but something I have yet to attempt.
As for the performance impact, currently it is pretty small, it does not do too much during runtime.
However, that could change features are added. I recently added a startup setting to change the interval of the checks, so you can manage the impact yourself.
For the megabase type builds, a transformator does separate electric networks, this by itself has an impact on the game engine, or did with 1.1.
It also loops through the list of transformators and performs a couple of checks, so as that list grows, so will the impact.
For the future features, my goal is to make them optional via the startup settings.