Eco-Friendly Electric Machines

Electric machines don't produce pollution

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Environment Manufacturing

b ✅ -> Oil refineries and Chemical plants

2 years ago

Both Oil Refineries and Chemical plants seem to have their pollution set to zero by this mod.

While I enjoy being able to play with Pollution not being an issue, I also see value in having clearly non-eco-friendly buildings like those polluting. Maybe an optional setting like "Allow Chemical processing to pollute"? Feels like there should be a middle ground available.

2 years ago

Hello, thanks for the suggestion!

I've added some settings to enable/disable certain categories of machines (chemistry, mining, assembling, smelting). Let me know if you think of any other useful categories :)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Awesome. I was about to say the same thing (before even trying the mod). Also I'm just wondering why electric miners produce pollution in vanilla in the first place. It just doesn't make sense to me. How? It's like a shovel would be producing pollution.
Many thanks for the mod!

2 months ago

Awesome. I was about to say the same thing (before even trying the mod). Also I'm just wondering why electric miners produce pollution in vanilla in the first place. It just doesn't make sense to me. How? It's like a shovel would be producing pollution.
Many thanks for the mod!

Since it's an open-air mine, the particulates dispersed into the air by the mining operation is the pollution.

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