Dynamic Train Stop
Train stop that renames itself following the same logic as the lamp coloring.
Lamp coloring uses any "color" signal of 1 or more, and preferences them in order of appearance in the signals menu.
Name your station With a | (pipe) character in it. Anything before the | is preserved, after will be written by the train station logic. Stations with no color signal will drop the portion after the |. For example: a station named Iron| with a signal of 1 Red will be updated to Iron|Red, 1 Green to Iron|Green. As with the lamps, Red wins over Green if both are present.
The train stop is destroyed/replaced each time it changes name. You might hear the placement 'whump' if you're in the area.
0.1.2 Updates:
No longer requires DynamicControl station to update stations.
Station names updated every tick.
Fixed Multiplayer desynch issue.
0.1.3 Updates:
Incremented version for 0.14