Resource Monitor

by devdot

Monitor mining sites and track resources across planets / surfaces.

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Recommended by YARM

5 months ago

Heya, i'm currently the primary maintainer of YARM, and i want to say thanks for updating ResMon to 2.0. Given how much more advanced it seems to be, and the age of YARM, i've taken liberty of recommending ResMon both on our readme and as an optional dependency. If you have additional input on differences, suggestions on how we can more effectly do this recommending etc, please let us know. :)

5 months ago

Hey @Mithaldu,
I'm very honored by your recommendation!

I think one of the main differences between our mods is that I chose auto-detection of all sites, while YARM lets the user define sites manually. I wanted auto-detection, but I know some people enjoy the flexibility of YARM in that regard and they'll be happier with YARM. In multiplayer, I'd still recommend YARM because my mod has some issues that I find very hard to resolve. Other than that I'd say differences are mostly in UI.

5 months ago

That's a pretty good discussion of the difference and nice to know. Will link this thread so people can decide which makes more sense for them.

I'm wondering: Is there a specific library you're using for the GUIs or is it all hand-baked? :D

5 months ago

Honestly, I would have preferred to have YARM auto-register sites but I was greatly concerned by the number of tracked entities. It's already quite inefficient in terms of show-time-usage numbers and adding indiscriminately would probably hurt even more. I haven't looked at your time usage yet, but I assume you're doing better in those terms already.

5 months ago

Thank you! The GUI is entirely hand-baked (a notable reference point for me is the Space Exploration GUI), starting out very messy in the beginning. I think I've got most common UI issues tackled, but multiplayer introduces all sorts of challenges to game state and I just haven't found the time to recreate some of the stranger bugs. Outside of modding I prefer backend dev over UI any day, but it's a fun challenge. To be honest, after FFF 426 I expected all resource managers to ascend into vanilla so I'm just now starting to work on improvements again.

a month ago

Just a little update (version 1.5.0): There is a YARM import available! If you want to migrate from YARM to this Resource Manager, you can import your sites with just one click now (more information is in the mod description).

a month ago

Coming from yarm :D I can't seem to see the dashboard whether always on or hover (over what?) are selected.
The big menu from the button is great.
There are a few enabled mods..
contains mod settings & save new9

a month ago

Hey that's great! The Dashboard automatically stays hidden when 0 sites pass the Dashboard filters. Did you try changing the filters for the Dashboard? Especially "depletes in" is set to only 4h by default ... try setting that number higher or remove the filter by emptying the field.

a month ago
Disabling this mod fixed the dashboard not displaying. I noticed the palette button didn't work either. Maybe some interaction between the two.

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