Delete Planet Compatability

by Leftn

Mod to manage compatabilities between my other planet deletion mods.

2 months ago

g All 3 planets removed. Can't research science

3 months ago


I have all 3 planets removed and got decently far only to realize that for some reason Electromagnetic Science Pack is locked behind Tungsten Steel, but tungsten steel requires Electromagnetic science packs to research.

2 months ago

Hi, thanks for reporting this to me. I have fixed this bug and already pushed an update.

2 months ago

Absolute legend thanks man

2 months ago

Another one (unless I'm missing it somehow): I researched artillery, but the recipe for the shells calls for holmium plates, and as far as I can tell, those don't exist with all 3 mods installed.

2 months ago

Thanks, it should be fixed. I wasn't able to fully test this, due to working on delete-aquilo and messing up my git workflow, so please let me know if you find anything else gamebreaking.

2 months ago

Absolutely will do. Thanks for the awesome mod!

2 months ago

I've found a couple more issues:

  1. With all these mods, artillery new requires holmium ore which from what I can tell, doesn't exist.
  2. I was able to get tungsten carbide from recycling things, but it's not supposed to exist with all 3 mods installed, so I'm unable to select it in filters to like auto-recycle it or something like that.

Side note: The recipe for agricultural science seems VERY expensive. I went through my massive stash of materials in a few minutes just trying to crank some out. I modified it on my end to adjust it, but figured I'd toss in my 2c here.

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