Mod to manage compatabilities between my other planet deletion mods.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 15.11.2024 Changes: - Initial release
Version: 0.0.2 Date: 15.11.2024 Compatability: - Changed deleting objects to simply hide them instead
Version: 0.0.3 Date: 18.11.2024 Changes: - Added delete-vulcanus support
Version: 0.0.4 Date: 19.11.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed various recipes when vulcanus/gleba/fulgora were all active
Version: 0.0.5 Date: 19.11.2024 Balance: - Reduced the amount of tungsten plates required for superconductors from 100 to 5 (Gleba, Vulcanus, Fulgora) - Reduced the amount of copper wires required for superdoncutors from 50 to 10 (Gleba, Vulcanus, Fulgora) Bugfixes: - Fixed tungsten science being locked behind electromagnetic science (Gleba, Vulcanus, Fulgora)
Version: 0.0.6 Date: 23.11.2024 Bugfix: - Fixed superconductors using the old coper wiring item, instead of the craftable cables (Vulcansu, Fulgra, Gleba) - Fixed turbo belts having the incorrect surface conditions (Vulcansu, Fulgra, Gleba)
Version: 0.0.7 Date: 6.12.2024 Bugfix: - Fixed tungsten steel technology being locked behind electromagnetic science (Vulcansu, Fulgra, Gleba) - Fixed using null instead of luas nil
Version: 0.0.8 Date: 7.12.2024 Bugfix: - Artillery Shell still using holmium plates when delete-fulgora was active
Version: 0.0.9 Date: ?.12.2024 Bugfix: - Fixed copper ore not available on space platform