Delete Planet Compatability

by Leftn

Mod to manage compatabilities between my other planet deletion mods.

14 days ago

i Research Sequence

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

So far a really good Mod we really like it.
We found some Problems
I use all 4 Mods.

Problem 1
For the Science Tungsten Steel you need Electromagnetic science pack but there is no way to get that.
Maybe switch the Packs for Tungsten Steel to Yellow Packs.

Problem 2
For Agricultral science Pack do you need 5 Bioflux. For 5 Bioflux do you need 5 Superconductor.
For 5 Superconductor are you need 250 Tungsten Plate. 1 Tungsten Plate will take 10sec to craft.
So it will take really long. Maybe lower the Plates a bit (not to much) or should get more Superconductors. (Maybe 4)

Idea/Problem 3
Biochamber: Bring it back into the game
Nutrients: There is no way to the Biochamber. Maybe make Wood to a Nutrient or a Recipe to make them.
(I tested this one in the Editor)

Carbon: Maybe a Recipe to make Wood to Carbon with a with a ratio of 5 Wood to 1 Carbon
Tree Seed: Trees need 10 min to Grow. Thats a really long time. Maybe set it to 5 min.
There is also the Building Missing to grow trees.

When you later add Aquilo i send a new Feedback.

a month ago

Hi, thanks a lot for the feedback/bug report.

Ill look into fixing these ASAP.

As for the other two ideas. I could possibly bring back the biochamber for the sole reason to craft bioflux, but I think ill add that as an option, which means I'll need to wait until after aquilo is finished before I implement that.

For carbon, even though its used in more recipes than vanilla space age, I think the added logistical challenge makes up for the removal of other processes in the delete planet mods. Though I might add a lategame technology to create carbon on planets if needs be.

I also don't see the need to make tree planting faster due to no other recipe actually requiring wood. So I think I'll leave it as is.

a month ago

Still the Sciance Problem, Update 006 no Effect i can only build Big Erförderer und Giesserei

New response