Delete Planet Compatability

by Leftn

Mod to manage compatabilities between my other planet deletion mods.

14 days ago

b no holmium solution?

a month ago

installed all the delete planets mods, found out theres no way to get holmium solution for molten copper and iron

oversight on my part and part of it? or bug? i am not sure

also i never liked the other planets and having all the other planets stuff but only on the main planet is really nice and love this project a lot. so thank you :)

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Thanks for letting me know. Its been fixed and I will get a release out soon.

Due to all the different recipe and tech changes AND all the different mod combinations its hard for me to catch everything manually. (7 different mod combinations I need to check every time right now. And with Aquilo in the works, it will increase to 14)

So I really do appreciate these bug reports.

New response