Memory Storage 📦

An alternative to warehouses. The Memory Unit can store an infinite amount of a single item type. The more items you store, the more power it will require!

11 days ago
1.0 - 2.0

g Memory Storage (1.3.5) non-recoverable error

1 year, 1 month ago

I have my game fully up to date for Mods and the game itself and I am now getting the error: The mod memory storage (1.3.5) caused a nonrecoverable error. Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running deep-storage-unit::on_gui_opened (ID 88)
Gui element with name memory_unit_gui already present in the parent element.

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
deep-storage-unit/gui.lua:99: in function

Before we were told to update Factorio to the latest build which currently is 1.1.94 and is the stable build. I do see experimental 1.1.96, but I don't know if that would fix the issue with the Memory Storage especially when it is not fully released yet. And I don't want to use an experimental version if SE or other mods will get affected by it or cause crashes to the game itself.

All other mods are updated to the current versions. When looking at this, I feel like it is something to do with the lua code itself that may be causing this issue at that specific line. If that is the case, can you investigate that code and see if you can fix that part of the code? Thank you.

1 year, 1 month ago

One thing I noticed is when I created a test map, when opening a memory storage fresh it does not throw the error.

1 year, 1 day ago

This error occurs when you open the navigation when the memory unit ui is open twice. So it is not a solved issue.

11 months ago

Hey, I dug into the code and found a workaround for y'all
Install this mod (or run in your console)
for console: /c game.player.gui.relative.memory_unit_gui.destroy()
for the mod command: game.player.gui.relative.memory_unit_gui.destroy()

Just had to fix this myself, hope it helps y'all!