Deadlock's Crating and Stacking for Bob's mods deprecated

Adds recipes for stacking & crating ores, plates and intermediates from Bob's, Angel's, UP, Clown's, and other mods

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Please update for Clown's

3 years ago

Hi, Clown's now has a bit more things in it, can you please update ?

for i = 1,9 do
    table.insert(items, {"clowns-ore"..i, 1, false})
    table.insert(items, {"clowns-ore"..i.."-crushed", 1, false})
    table.insert(items, {"clowns-ore"..i.."-chunk", 1, false})
    table.insert(items, {"clowns-ore"..i.."-crystal", 1, false})
    table.insert(items, {"clowns-ore"..i.."-pure", 1, false})
2 years ago

Please see new post if there is still interest.

This thread has been locked.