Deadlock's Crating and Stacking for Bob's mods deprecated

Adds recipes for stacking & crating ores, plates and intermediates from Bob's, Angel's, UP, Clown's, and other mods

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g 0.18 Update?

4 years ago

Hoping to see a 0.18 update!

4 years ago

It seems Angel hasn't made the jump to 0.18 yet, but this mod should just work by updating the info file. I'll upload in the next days.

4 years ago

Due to mentioned outstanding updates from Angel I can't promise this will be working completely, but here is an updated version that looks fine so far.

4 years ago

Great! Thanks so much! I've been using this with Bobs which has all been updated as far as I can tell, so hopefully all should be good.

New response