Deadlock-Mod Integrations

Adds support in Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders for Bob's mods, FactorioExtended and FactorioExtendedPlus, and Xander's mods, adding beltboxes and loaders to match the belts that those mods add.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i AAI Industries support?

6 years ago

Any plans to add support for AAI Industries? It has 3 candidates for compressing: Motors, elecric motors, and vehicle fuel.

6 years ago

This mod is intended to just add support for different belt types, stacking is expected to be handled by a separate mod. But if it's just a few items, adding stacking for them is just a few lines of code - I'll take a glance at what would be needed :)

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