Deadlock Experimental Stacking

Adds options for experimental stacking enhancements for Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes - stacking for science, direct smelting of stacks

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Bobtech integration

5 years ago

When playing with Bob's tech mod, it adds "advanced-logistic-science-pack" as a primary science pack.
I wonder if you could add support for that in your mod. Your stacking mod together with Bob's extra belt/etc tiers makes a good combination for mega factories :-)

5 years ago

Can do :) Bob's Tech seems to add a handful of other packs as well, would it make sense to add all of 'em?

5 years ago

Probably yes. I'm playing in peace mode with partial Bob's pack only, I haven't encountered any infinite tech based on them. But there might be in the future or in an other mod.

5 years ago

Should be all set!

5 years ago

And Angel's? ^.^

5 years ago

Which of Angel's mods add science?

5 years ago

Angel's Industries does if you enable it manually (have to toggle a false to a true in the lua file directly), though that's highly non-standard.

I think I was actually thinking of the burner science pack from the ScienceCostTweaker mod, though it's early game enough that it should be ignorable...

Other mods would perhaps be the Expanded Rocket Payloads mod, which adds quite a few post-rocket research items.

5 years ago

Also, have you given though to letting multi-items be processable at once in various things like Angel's smelters or various other recipes that use massive amounts of items at a time?

5 years ago

Looks like there's a bug preventing Angel's Bio Processing from working in the current version of the game, I'll look once that's fixed :) On smelting you're looking for support for 'direct' use of more stacked items right?

5 years ago

Yeah you have to use 0.17.24, it's not a bug in Angel's Bio Processing but rather a bug in Factorio that is already fixed for 0.17.26. :-)

And yep, using the stacked items directly would save quite a bit of space, and the extra 'time' taken would be nice as well for the recipes (a stack of size 5 takes 5 times longer to process per recipe cycle yes?) that are fairly short (especially circuit stuff!) as it is pretty easy to hit 1 cycle per tick and thus no longer gain speed with beacons, so that would allow us to pack it tighter, thus saving even more UPS! This could actually be quite a useful feature for UPS savings in many setups. :-)

5 years ago

The tricky bit here is to determine which recipes to create 'stack native' versions of - I suppose recipes where at least all of the input ingredients (and possibly the outputs optionally?) have a stacked item created for them? I think that's doable but the number of recipes to select from might get a little crazy for assembling machines :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

As I recall reading, Factorio a couple of minor versions ago (0.17.28 or so?) added a new attribute on recipes to only show them in the machine that they are applied in and not in the user menu, combine that with putting them in their own tab or at the very bottom of the existing tabs and the recipe lists stay clean. Though maybe that was being discussed rather than added yet... (EDIT: Hmm, can't find it, maybe ignore this paragraph...)

Or could do what mods like WSF do, put all those special recipes in a certain category for a given machine and just hide/unhide them en-bulk when an appropriate building with the appropriate crafting list is opened or closed via the gui open/close callbacks.

Honestly I'd be fine with them all being at the very bottom of the appropriate tabs or just in their own tabs, I always find recipes by searching anyway.

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