Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders

Adds minimalist 1x1 loaders and stacking beltboxes for 5x belt compression for ores, plates and some intermediate products

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g It messes up the Logistic Network

2 years ago

Hello, I've been using this mod for quite a while, the problem I encountered is that the logistic network doesn't count the stacks as the base item * 5, so it messes up with the LTN, that never finds a request fulfilled as I'm basically requesting the stack of the item to then decompact it but since theyre different items it doesnt work

2 years ago

There is no solution to this as far as I know. Stacked items are different items to the base item, that's just how the mod works. Presumably you can request the stacked version instead, but I don't know anything about how LTN works under the hood.

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