Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders

Adds minimalist 1x1 loaders and stacking beltboxes for 5x belt compression for ores, plates and some intermediate products

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Dupe Glitch Found!

2 years ago

When unstacking on pickup in inventory (normally default false, it was true here before):

Pick up more than one stack of a stacked item, like stacked steel, into your inventory. Put the first listed stack of that stacked steel onto your cursor (to the stack in the inventory turns into that Hand icon). Put the cursor at your feet and then (if using default keys) alternate between z and f to drop one then pick it up, that will use up the second+ stacks in your inventory but when it gets down to, say, the last 20 for stacked steel, then it will keep refilling in your hand/cursor like you picked it back up however it also gives you unstacked steel. You can repeat this for long LONG past the 20 items that the last stacked steel should have, keep going as long as you like and you make as much steel as you want. This seems to work with any stacked item. This is on a server and this dupe bug does work for both a local server and remote joiner. My guess is some interaction with the Hand replacement item in the inventory, perhaps the mod isn't deleting the stacked steel from it properly when it unstacks the steel.

For the time being to prevent the other players from exploiting it just set Auto unstack to false again.

Unsure if another mod may have done something, this is an SE pack (no K2), but can't think of anything that touches any functionality like that.

1 year, 7 months ago

This is a known bug:

I made a recommendation to solve this (remove ownlyme's auto-unstacking code) but it needs someone to make a pull request with code that actions it.

New response