Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders

Adds minimalist 1x1 loaders and stacking beltboxes for 5x belt compression for ores, plates and some intermediate products

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Newbie : Stupid Question

2 years ago


Just downloaded the mod and my setup looks like the image but nothing happens, The beltbox states "No Ingredients"
I am using the editor extensions and 5dim.
Busy building some blueprints.
Question: Do I have to configure the beltbx first?


2 years ago

Ok looks like plate does not work but belts does.
But what is strange is that I see an icon for 5 stacked plates
Where can I get a list of what items can be stacked?

2 years ago

Ok ignore, I see that I needed the research even if you are using creative mode
Thx for a great mod

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