Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders

Adds minimalist 1x1 loaders and stacking beltboxes for 5x belt compression for ores, plates and some intermediate products

7 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

b Loaders lose all filters on update from .17 to .18

4 years ago

Well as the title says. Creates quite a bit of chaos. :D

4 years ago

After poking around it seems to be related to the transition the to 1x1 loader entity. There is probably some migration code required to apply the old filters to the new entity.

4 years ago

Posila on the dev team is looking into the issues of stuck transport lines after migration, I mentioned the filter being lost as well. Nothing we can do on the mod's end, so here's hoping they can get it working :)

4 years ago

This bug says it's fixed, but it it still not working. Tested today with 0.18.9.

New response