Die Mod Dana: crafting tree/graph explorer (0.2.2) hat einen Fehler verursacht, der nicht behoben werden kann.
Bitte informiere den Autor der Mod über diesen Fehler.
Error while running event dana::on_gui_click (ID 1)
dana/lua/logger/Logger.lua:62: [dana][Error] PositionController: Player is not on Dana's surface.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
dana/lua/logger/Logger.lua:62: in function 'error'
dana/lua/logger/ClassLogger.lua:53: in function 'assert'
dana/lua/apps/PositionController.lua:106: in function 'teleportBack'
dana/lua/apps/AppController.lua:82: in function 'hide'
dana/lua/Player.lua:146: in function 'hide'
dana/lua/Player.lua:191: in function 'onClick'
dana/lua/gui/GuiElement.lua:124: in function <dana/lua/gui/GuiElement.lua:119>
steps to reproduce:
- open universe explorer (Space Exploration) and view surface "Nauvis Orbit"
- click on Dana Button und create the graph
- close universe explorer, this will switch the surface to Nauvis
- click "Leave Dana" => Error
maybe the error not depends on Space Exploration, there are also other mods switching the surface (Belt Layer/Pipe Layer, Factorisimo2, The Blueprint Dedigner Lab, etc.)