Custom Terrain Generation

Changes how land and water are generated. Highly customizable.

1 year, 1 month ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Start Coordinates

8 months ago

Hey, First of all thanks for the great mod. I am trying to play a map with the squares and Bridges preset, but encountered an issue related to another mod. Industrial Revolution 3 gives you the starting items in two boxes, and also has some scrap deposits near the start. all of those disappear in the water basically, making the start way harder than intended (your starting weapon and ammo is also in these boxes). Is there a way to generate the first "island" in a way that is centred around 0,0 cooridnates instead of that being on the very edge of the starting island?

7 months ago

Glad you're having fun, if you have a pattern Example() that you like and want to move it, try Translate(Example(), -10, -10) to move it 10 squares to the left (x direction) and 10 squares up (y direction). (I might have the signs backwards, don't remember for sure.) Another alternative is to do Union(Example(), Circle(10)) which puts a circle of land with radius 10 at the origin.

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