Custom Terrain Generation

Changes how land and water are generated. Highly customizable.

4 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g 1.0

3 years ago

can you please update to 1.0 ?
great mod BTW

3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest! Unfortunately I don't expect to have time to work on this mod (or my other mods) for the next few months.

I believe if you manually change the json info file in the mod to say 1.1 the mod will probably work fine (let me know if it does not, or if you don't know how to do that).

The reason I don't want to make this update is that I try to only make major changes to the mod when there is a new Factorio major version. Most people update their mods without checking for notes on the mod website, but with this mod if I make a breaking change it may ruin someone's game. However many people start a new game when Factorio updates to a new version, so that is when I make breaking changes. I am still trying to come up with a better system so that I don't mess up people's games when I update....

New response