Creative Mod

by jodli

Based on the old Creative Mode mod created by Y.Petremann, then patched by Pac0master, and also the Test Mode mod created by rk84. By enabling Creative Mode in the game, you can access objects that can generate unlimited items, fluid or energy, or nullify them. Perfect for testing purpose or making initial setup for games. Quick patch for 0.16 until an official release - everything should work now. Quick patch for 0.17 until an official release - if ever...

11 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

b Instant logistics requests lagging game

21 days ago

Factorio version 2.021, Creative Mod version 2.0.3.

When using instant logistics requests in the player inventory, creative mod starts lagging the game. With a request group of about 80 items, the creative mod time usage jumps from <0.2ms to about 20ms.

Screenshot with logistics group disabled:
Screenshot with logistics group enabled:

Is this something I am doing wrong or is it the mod? Thanks.

20 days ago

Remove the second group and see if that helps reduce the times. I've seen some other people report that having multiple groups cranks up the time required, regardless of the number of requests in any of them.

13 days ago

I posted on this too 23 days ago and I'm sad to say I'm still having this issue. Not using multiple groups helps, but sadly if you slap enough requests into even one group it will always begin causing lag. You can kind of work around it if you toggle personal logistics on and off as needed, or use fewer items in your requests. Personally I use fewer items with auto-trashing unrequested items enabled for now. Hope a fix is found soon!

12 days ago

So, I've changed a few things around and I'm getting better numbers now.
I've configured around 70 item requests in my game and compared to the current version of the mod (10ms/tick) I'm getting a 10x decrease in CPU time now (0.9 ms/tick) which looks quite promising I would say :D
I will polish and test around a bit more and release it later this evening.

Thank you for your patience! <3

12 days ago

Everything is working great now, thanks very much!

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